Thursday, 10 January 2013

The conventions, the producer and target audience of my text:

There are many different conventions for magazines and from my research I plan to use similar conventions for my magazine for example for the main images on the front cover, I will have a photograph of a young woman, medium shot (about waist height) and the reason why I have chosen this camera shot is because the magazines that I researched seemed to have models from medium shot (waist height) to long shot (full body). For example I found that when I was doing my research IPC MEDIA I found the magazine NME that used these types of shot (medium – long shot).  I will be using a recognisable artist for the front of my magazine as looking at other magazines you can see that magazines are more popular and will sell better if the person on the front of the magazine are well known in comparison to someone on the front cover that is unpopular or doesn’t even belong to the genre of the magazine.


For the other images in the magazine I will be using a maximum of 3 images on the contents page as when looking at the previous students work it was apparent that when using more than one image on the contents page it looked unorganised and some of the images had poor quality compared to the rest on the page, which gave inconsistently to the magazine compared to the students that only had a few images that had good quality images and that had been arranged in order. For the image on the double page spread I will be using colours that complement the house style of the magazine as I found that when looking at magazines the image looks much more though out and professional than if the colours in the image didn’t match the colour scheme of the magazine.


For the title (masthead) I will be having a simple yet professional looking masthead as when looking at other institutions magazine it was apparent that the better looking magazine where short, minimum in colour and that they use a strong colour against the background for example Q magazine use a red box with white text for the masthead, simple yet effective and memorable. The conventions for the magazine that I researched also had the masthead in the corner of the magazine usually in the top left and so I will be putting my masthead in the top left of my magazine.

For the font I have decided to go for a simple design and the reason why I have chosen a simple design is because when looking through previous students magazine the best magazines were ones tat had simple text and only a few subtle font changes for the different conventions for example the drop-cap would be different to the actual article and that text would be different to the masthead font but some people had went to the other end of the extreme by changing the style of font for every single convention and it was too much for yours eyes to take in. Another reason why I have chosen to use simple font is because the people reading it would be less likely to be attracted into reading the magazine f you could hardly read the writing and so I would like to make the text audience friendly.


I will be using informal text for my magazine, as it’s a magazine not a newspaper and so I would like to use the text style conventional for the type of media I am writing for and I would also like to use informal text so that it will make my audience feel comfortable reading instead of using words in the magazine they may not understand. I will also be talking to a ‘celebrity’ in my magazine and conventionally when having a interview for a article with a celebrity you don’t want to be too formal as you would want them to feel relaxed so that they would be more inclined to tell them more about themselves.


For the colour palette of my magazine I will be using 3 main colours and for the images I will be using accents of the colours so that it fits in the house style of the magazine and them colours will be red, white and black and the reason why I have chosen these colours is because they are popular with the genre magazine that I have chosen for example GQ magazine.


I don’t plan to change any of these things however the only reason I would change any of these conventions would be because of complications or that after completing the magazine it did not look very professional but I doubt this as I have followed the conventions of the magazine and would not for-shadow this happening. If I would change anything dramatically it would be so that it would appeal more to the audience because I have used a survey to see what my potential audiences would like to see in my magazine and most of what they have said is going to be included in my magazine but something’s could be altered to fit their preference.




If my magazine was to be distributed into the ‘real world’ I think that it would fit into many institutions but the best institution for magazine would Conde Nast as it would appeal to my audiences as Conde Nast is known for being a music, fashion and beauty magazine and even though my magazine doesn’t include beauty that could be something that I could expand on in the future.


To make sure that my kind of magazine would fit into its niche I created an online survey for people of my target audience to fill in and they described what they would like to see in my magazine. I also researched other magazines similar to what my magazine would be like and they used the same font style, colour palette and musical interest (genre) and the magazines that are similar to mine would be the likes of GQ, Q and NME. 



The target audience of my magazine will be 16-25 year olds and the occasional people that are older and younger but the main audience is around 16-25. The gender of the magazine will be more female orientated with the style of articles, artist and the little fashion content that will be in the magazine. The type of people that will buy my music magazine will be people that are interested in pop music and like to know about the latest releases, tour dates, new interviews and articles revealing all they want to know about the celebrities in the world at the minute. They will be buying the magazine about once a week as they would like to know what is currently not what happened a month ago and they would usually use this media form (magazine) to read/hear/look at new information about celebrities, new releases and etc.


Media platforms that will be interested in my magazine would be on the Television and internet as they would be able to display a little subscription box for the magazine and it will also tell you when and where you can buy this magazine from if you don’t want subscribe to it. I know that this would appeal to my audience as this is where they usually find out new releases and so this would be a great way to promote the magazine so they can find out about when, where, what and how to get my magazine.

1 comment:

  1. You have produced a very good written overview of what you plan to achieve with your magazine, showing your understanding of magazine conventions, and an awareness of the possible 'real world' publishers, and your target audience. You have made links to real word media texts, and you have given reasons to support your design choices.Well done!
