Thursday, 20 December 2012

Audience Research and Analysis of Data

For this question the main people that has answered this question has an age range of 20 and under and this is my target audience for my music magazine.
For this question my target audience was aimed at woman but I did say that it can appeal to some men and so it's nice to see that there is an even split of responses.

For this answer people have said that they would listen to Rock and roll (72.7%)and that is the most popular music genre and this shows that there is a not a lot of popularity in R&B at the moment so I will hae to make my magazine quite appealing.


 83.3% of people said that they would listen to the same genre as they would read about that genre which helps me when choosing on which genre style of music to chose. 

These responses will help me decide on what to put on my front cover, contents page and double page spread so that can entice these people to read my magazine. For example for the contents page I would like to have a news page for example showing tour dates or interviews.

All of the people that did my survey said that they would read a magazine at least once or more a month so this will help me to decide how often I should release a magazine whether that be once a month or more. 

 8.3% of the people who completed my survey said they would not be more willing to buy a magazine if there was a gift inside so this has made me wonder whether they wouldn't want to buy a magazine that has a gift inside and if I was to ever put a free gift inside I would have to be careful of what I put inside so that it would appeal to my audience and I would also have to consider how I promote a gift in the magazine.
 These responses are mixed and so will have to chose carefully so that it will appeal to my target audience however I will have to remember that my magazine is a R&B music magazine not a rock one.
From this response it is obvious that Internet is quite popular with people for finding out new releases and so for my magazine I would either try and make the new releases more enticing for the reader or not put new releases in the magazine because from these responses it shows that not many people (8.3%) find new releases from a magazine. 
From these results it shows that people are willing to pay between £1-£5 on the magazine and this means that I will have to make the magazine look good enough for the people to spend this amount of money on a magazine.

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca, you have gathered relevant target audience research, and explained how these might inform the decisions you make for the design of your music magazine.
