Thursday, 1 May 2014

Evaluation - Question 4

Question 4 Who would be the audiences for your product?

Before creating my product I had to build up a picture of who my audience were so that I could then appeal to them as there was no good going blind into creating a product as you would end up creating a product that nobody liked or wanting to read about. Last year I researched different organisation to see what style of product they were offering and to see what type of audience would be interested, this gave me an idea into how and what I was going to create and so once I was happy with my product I decided to use a social networking site to ask friends what they thought about my product.

The audience for my product would be 16-25 year old and the reason for choosing this age range of people is because this is the typical age range people would buy and read a magazine and this is also the age range people want to find out about different things in the music industry as typically from that age onwards they start to read more intellectual things such as newspapers as they need to know more things about their local area as they want to settle down buy a house.

In more detail the types of people who would be interested in my product would be people who like to read about chart music artist, this is normally woman as I have included Emeli Sande as my double page spread and I doubt many men would want to read or be seen reading an interview about a woman’s success.

S you can see throughout my product I have used people from the same age range as my target audience as I felt that by using people from my target audience, this would be a good way for my audience to build up a relationship/connection with what they are reading and what they are doing with their lives, potentially reading about what they could do in the future.

My target audience for my product would be around 14-25 years old, I have chosen this age range as this is the typical age range of people who would be interested in buying a magazine as anything below this age and they would probably be more interested in going out with their mates whereas when you reach 14 years old you want to know what's going on in the celebrity world as well as going out with friend. People over the age of 30 years old may want to know what is going on in the celebrity world however they are more likely to buy a newspaper than a music magazine.

My audience would probably be mostly female as I have used articles that would stereotypically interest the female audience, for example the rise to fame for Emeli Sande, Beyonce performance and Justin Timberlake coming back to the music.

 This would be an example of my audience member as she is a young 17 year old, female, interested in chart music, enjoys reading magazines and finding out what celebrities are doing at the moment. From this information I can summarise that she would be potential customer for my product because of the interest she has in music I feel that she would want to read and learn about all the goings on in the world of celebrities and so this would be one of the perfect ways for her to enjoy my magazine. I understand that there are other magazines out there which could entice my audience however this is a new product and so having that new quality I can use this is entice new customers/my audience.

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