Friday 25 April 2014


As I have mentioned in my previous posts I have been involved in 3 photo shoots and from them there are several images that I could potentially use and some that I can just discard as they are not what I envisioned me using for my product. I have placed the images together so that you can see the amount of images I had to  chose from when decided whether or not to use them photographs or continue on to do another studio shoot.
As you can see in the beginning I started to take images of my model, I used a variety of close-ups on the model, because having that variety now will help better decided my choice later. I asked the model to then pick up a guitar, as I felt that it was fitting that the person should be holding a musical instrument as they are going to be shown in a music magazine. I went back to taking a variety of close-ups on the model. Once I felt I was happy with the result I then decided to move onto taking images of another model. This time it was a female model, after looking at images of Cameron Diaz in magazine I felt the way she had been positioned and the style of the photograph was something which I felt I could take inspiration from and so decided to find clothing similar to what Cameron was wearing in magazine. We went to the shoot and I asked my model to sit in the same pose, as you can see it took quite a while to  'perfect' the pose and to get the camera and lighting correct as I have then continued to take more images of the same pose in the next page.

I then moved onto  directing somebody to take images of myself as there were limited people to take photographs of, but also this was the most reliable thing to do. I first off start posing, resting my hand, in a similar position to the previous model, I move so that my hands are crossed over my chest however this didn't turn out so good and so will difinitely not be using that selection of images, but the images with the similar pose from the previous model I feel were successful and so feel that if they look good blown up to the size i am going to use them I will definitely be using them

I continue to take more images from the previous page and by taking a few images that look similar it allows me to make sure that at least one of them images will be in focus, correct positioning, the model isn't blinking and the composition is right. I go back to taking images of the male model however this time I ask the model to stand up and put his hands in his trousers in a authoritative way (I will not be using these images nor the images of me following as this is not my idea but were taken the same day and could potentially use these images). 

I go back to doing my own idea for the photographs and yet again I am standing in front of the camera as I now want photographs so that I can use two different images on my front cover and on my double page spread and as you see here I am practising getting the lighting just right for the type of image I am after. From what I can see I think the best one out of this selection is the first image on the first row as the position and expression on my face looks to be better than the rest. After that I ask my model to go back in front of the camera so that I could take some more images of her this time wearing a different outfit, the main part of these images is the purple and black scarf she is wearing as although this is a music magazine I did want to have a focal image for people to see when they first opened the inside cover of the magazine as I plan to have this image on the contents page. The following images are again not my idea however I did have an input as to how the image was lit, how the model (me) looked.

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