Saturday, 19 April 2014

Potential problems

There a certain problems with re-doing my work as the work load may become too much for me to handle as I will have not only my current work but also my re-sits and so that is the first potential problem. If the work load becomes too much of a problem I can either make a clear and decisive plan of action and make a timetable of when and where I can achieve this (this would be my first option) and if this doesn’t work I could try my best and get the most important pieces of work completed and then work on completing the rest whatever doesn’t get done won’t affect my grade too much. The final solution I see to this problem is to stop my re-take and focus on my A2 courses because there is no point trying to better last years grade if you can’t achieve the same or a better grade this year. Potential problems that I foresee happening with my media product is that I may start to focus too heavily on changing my idea and loose complete focus on what I have planned on doing and to stop myself from doing this I can focus heavily on my plan of action rather than going off track. My first idea might end up looking better and this could all be for nothing and to stop this from happening I could print out a copy of what I done last year and remember what I need to improve on. More important problems could be my product itself as I might not have access to the facilities to make my new product at home and if that is the case I could use the facilities in ILC at my campus and other campuses and if the ILC is too busy another alternative would be to use classroom time during our scheduled break or before and after class as the classroom is usually open. I have decided to use the same colour palette for my magazine and as last years work didn’t work out too successfully it might mean that I am not using good use of the colour palette and if this is the case I could look at other magazines to see where I am going wrong. I might not be able to use the studio facilities as other media or art students may be using it the times I am free from college and if that is the case I might not have to use that campus I might have to find out another campus that have similar facilities, or I could ask my lecturer to take images during lesson or just not use the facilities at all and find a location which best represents a studio or an environment that would suit my magazine. I may not be able to use the college camera as I don’t have one of that standard for myself and if that problem arises I could ask someone at college if I could use the camera the same time as them, use my own camera, or I could try and book the camera out at a different time as the camera can only be booked for 3 days and at the end of them 3 days you have to bring the camera back. When it comes to take the photographs my models might not turn up and if that is the case I either need to use myself as the model and put the camera on a setting which makes the camera take the image itself. I could ask someone more reliable or I could ask people in my class as they understand how valuable it is to have these images and so would probably be more inclined to turn up and if the worst comes to the worst I might have to use images I have taken previously.

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