Thursday, 25 October 2012

My Preliminary Task Evaluation

My Preliminary Task Evaluation
My feedback from my lecturer was mixed as the good qualities of my magazine were my images, key features and good amount of information in my contents page. The improvements he thought I should make is that it looks like a newspaper rather than a magazine, the masthead/main cover line/sell lines needs to stand out more, I need to use a bigger range of colours, I need to us some interesting fonts and to fill in the blank spaces in the magazine’s front cover and contents page.
In my preliminary task I feel that I have taken some good quality pictures. The images I have taken also have a range of shots that will keep the reader interested. The main image of the magazine is good quality - which all relate well with the content. I feel that the sell-lines I have used on the front page and contents page fit well with the institution. I have successfully kept to the conventions of my magazine and by doing this my magazine will appeal to it's intended target audience: College Students.
The bad points of my magazine is the blurry masthead and to correct this I could either make it smaller or redesign the masthead to a bigger scale, more types of text fonts should of been used so that it would make the magazine more appealing to the reader, there is also too many blank spaces and to fit into the conventions I could add a few more sell-lines or re arrange the layout of the sell-lines and pictures. The sell-lines should of being a lot shorter as they need to attract the reader, the price of the magazine is located in the conventional place however I think to make it look better I should have used a more professional format. The essential information text should have been smaller and the main sell-line should have been smaller to appeal to the reader. The sub-heading should have been placed underneath the main sell-line and in bigger writing so the reader knows what the main sell-line is. The layout in general needs to be re organised as it looks more conventional for a newspaper and I need to add more colours fonts. The text elements used were minimal as I only used 1 style of text and so to improve my magazine I would have to at least use 4 styles of text. The bad points on the contents page of my magazine is that the page numbers should have been at the front of the sell-lines as this is the more conventional location. The person in the image either should have been different or should have been wearing different things to make the images look more professional.

1 comment:

  1. Rebecca

    Along with my written feedback, you have identified several areas for development for your main project which will help when it comes to producing the main task.

