Friday, 26 October 2012

Main Task Proposal Table

AS Coursework Proposal Table

Type of Magazine (fashion, music, etc)

Music magazine
Name of Magazine


Music Rated Magazine
Audience (male/female)

My magazine is more female oriented.
Audience (attitudes and interests)

The audience’s attitudes will be informal and will have interest in Pop music.
Outlet (where it can be bought from?)

It can be bought from all the major supermarkets.
Necessary Information

I will include a website for the magazine, a website for the subscription, date of the magazine and the masthead.
Selling Point

My main sell point is music, celebrity gossip and news about new songs that are going to be released.
Theme (article)

The theme for my will be music and it will include Pop styles of music with some celebrity interviews and anecdotes that have been in the news that week/month.
Images Front Cover

On the front cover it will have a picture of one person that will relate an article in the magazine.
Images Inside

It will have a few images of new cd covers and images that relate to that particular edition.

Blog Post - Deconstruction of 3 Music Magazine Contents Page

Contents Pages for music magazines

The masthead is at the top left of the contents page. The font style looks the same throughout. There is only two colours white text on a red background this makes the masthead stand out in comparison to the rest of the content page.

Necessary Information
The date and issue number is located at the top right of the page. There are several page numbers located on the screen however they are not in order and the magazine have done this because them particular page numbers will appeal to the audience more than the others. At the bottom there is a page number to tell you what page you are on. There are 2 websites to choose from and it is located underneath the date and issue number.

The text is quite short as it is just a sneak peak at what to expect in the magazine. It is informal as it jokes on about going to the gym. There isn’t a lot of text in comparison to other magazines and this is to appeal to the reader because you want a preview what to expect not an essay. The purpose of the text is to explain on what the sub-heading is talking about. There are several sub-heading as there are several stories in the magazine that they want to use to appeal to the reader. The order of the text is quite structured as the layout is around the main image.

The font used is the same throughout the cover of the magazine. They have used the same font style throughout so that one story doesn’t stand out more that the rest. There are 4different colours that have been used. There have been no italics used. There is bold text and that has been used for the title and the review and they have done this so that the eye is drawn to the content underneath.

There are two images used in the contents page – one main image that has a little sub-heading, it positioned underneath and to the right of the text beside it and writing over the top of the image and the second image is much smaller and beside this one has several different captions beside it and this is situated underneath the main image.

The images are framed by the text around it. The layout is quite formal. They have also used layering for the image and on top of that they have some text. Both images relate to the text.

Linguistic Features
There are not very noticeable linguistic features in this content.

There are only 4 colours used (red, white, black and a dark cream) in this contents page and the images also use them three colours as they look quite minimalist in colour.

The masthead is in the left hand side of the screen and it is located to the right of the corner this is strange as usually the masthead is located to the right of the left hand corner. The masthead is in bold and there has been several colours used in the masthead: white, black, yellow, red, green and blue.

Necessary Information
The date, website and page number is located at the bottom right of the magazine. The issue number is located in a separate place at the top of the magazine covers underneath the CONTENTS title.

The text describes what is in the magazine but also what events are coming soon and exclusives you can get online. The text is quite informal and friendly. Its purpose is to advertise some of the things that will be included in the magazine. There are several sub-headings to describe not only what is in the magazine but also to give a headline of some of the magazines exclusives. The layout of the text is structured well however there is a lot of text for the audience to deal with making me think that the magazine cover is text led. They have numerical order for the chart that is at the left hand side of the page and they also have numbers for the different page numbers.

It looks as though there is only two types of text used; one for the title and one for the text underneath and I think they have done this to make the eye is drawn to the sub-heading, There has been 2 colours used black and blue and they have done this to separate each story. There have been no italics used. There has been some text in bold and they have used bold to highlight the different celebrities names.

There have been 4 images used: the main image is situated at the middle right of the magazine page, the rest is situated at the top of the screen underneath the contents title and the images are of celebrities. The main image has text around it quite closely and the other three images has numbers long the bottom right of the image to show which page number in the magazine the celebrity will be featured on.

They have frames this page with neat lines and structured text lines to frame the images and the layout is very structured. They haven’t really used layering in the magazine contents page. The images relate to text that is situated beside the image. I think that the contents page of the magazine is text led because it has more text than pictures however the text is quite small in comparison to the images suggesting that the cover is image led.

Linguistic Features
There are no rhetorical questions, assonance and puns. They have used minimal alliteration for example ‘Power Players’. They have used little paragraph features to tease the audience (enigma code). There aren’t many linguistic features to give a massive effect on the magazine.

The magazine has used different colours: red, green, black, white and blue. The images colours are quite dark as the different celebrities are wearing black in every picture. These colours make the tone of the magazine have a more polished and professional finish and they also have used colour in the text so that certain parts of the text stands out.

The masthead is situated in the middle of the magazine. They have used the same font style for the masthead however they have used to different colours: white for the actual masthead and then after this it states ‘THIS WEEK’ they have put this in old to separate this from the masthead and to make your eyes attract to it.

Necessary Information
The date and issue number is situated under the contents page sub-title. They have not put a page number on this magazine. They do not have any website link however they do have a subscription advertised at the bottom right hand side of the magazine.

The text is names of bands and there is a huge paragraph at the side of the page that is dedicated to the editors writing. The formality of this is quite friendly and its purpose is to give a sense of relationship to the audience as the editor is doing the magazine to keep the audience happy. The celebrity’s names have been put in there to let the audience know who is featured in the magazine and to hopefully by it for that reason. There are several sub-headings to separate the different article features in the magazine. The order in a way is structure however the layout is quite messy. They use umbers however they don’t have the numbers in numerical order as they are just listing the page numbers that they think the audience would enjoy the most

There are 3 different types of font used: one for them masthead, one for the text and one for the sub-headings and they have done this to make the eye see something new and the audience will also focus more on the changes in the text and the eyes will be drawn to that. They have used 4 different colours: red, yellow, white and black. They haven’t added any italic writing however they have used bold text to carry on the theme of the masthead.

They haven’t really used the framing of the text and images very well however the only noticeable framing is on the masthead as they have used a black strip to separate the picture on the top half to the writing and text on the bottom half. They have used the layout with the text by putting vertical lines to separate the different columns. The images relate to the text that is beneath. The magazine contents page is very image led as there has half the page just for 1 image.

Linguistic Features
They have no used any noticeable rhetorical questions, alliteration, assonance and puns however they have used enigma codes, they have done this by using celebrity names to give teases to the audience and in some of the articles short paragraphs about what is to be expected.
For the text they have used 4 different colours and for the images they have used quite dark images however they have some lighter features in them for example the person red hair so that it matches the red in the text. Thy have used these colours to add effect to the images and text as the colour you can see in the magazine page your eyes will be drawn to it.

Thursday, 25 October 2012

My Preliminary Task Evaluation

My Preliminary Task Evaluation
My feedback from my lecturer was mixed as the good qualities of my magazine were my images, key features and good amount of information in my contents page. The improvements he thought I should make is that it looks like a newspaper rather than a magazine, the masthead/main cover line/sell lines needs to stand out more, I need to use a bigger range of colours, I need to us some interesting fonts and to fill in the blank spaces in the magazine’s front cover and contents page.
In my preliminary task I feel that I have taken some good quality pictures. The images I have taken also have a range of shots that will keep the reader interested. The main image of the magazine is good quality - which all relate well with the content. I feel that the sell-lines I have used on the front page and contents page fit well with the institution. I have successfully kept to the conventions of my magazine and by doing this my magazine will appeal to it's intended target audience: College Students.
The bad points of my magazine is the blurry masthead and to correct this I could either make it smaller or redesign the masthead to a bigger scale, more types of text fonts should of been used so that it would make the magazine more appealing to the reader, there is also too many blank spaces and to fit into the conventions I could add a few more sell-lines or re arrange the layout of the sell-lines and pictures. The sell-lines should of being a lot shorter as they need to attract the reader, the price of the magazine is located in the conventional place however I think to make it look better I should have used a more professional format. The essential information text should have been smaller and the main sell-line should have been smaller to appeal to the reader. The sub-heading should have been placed underneath the main sell-line and in bigger writing so the reader knows what the main sell-line is. The layout in general needs to be re organised as it looks more conventional for a newspaper and I need to add more colours fonts. The text elements used were minimal as I only used 1 style of text and so to improve my magazine I would have to at least use 4 styles of text. The bad points on the contents page of my magazine is that the page numbers should have been at the front of the sell-lines as this is the more conventional location. The person in the image either should have been different or should have been wearing different things to make the images look more professional.

Preliminary Task Music Magazine Front Cover

This is the first preliminary task of my front cover and I used Publisher to create this format.

Preliminary task contents page

This was my first preliminary task of my contents page and I used publisher to put together this format.

Monday, 15 October 2012

Preliminary Flat plan front cover

I have chosen this layout as I have researched the layout and most other magazine have got this format.

Preliminary Task Flatplan for the contents page

I have chosen this style format as I have researched this and most contents pages are set out this way.